Grease a 20cm springform pan lined with parchment.
In a sauce pan bring the milk to a boil. Remove from heat and add the vanilla pod and teabags for 5 minutes. Remove bags and pod.
Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy.Add eggs one at a time.Add the flour, baking powder, spices and the cooled milk.Fold in gently and scrape the butter into the prepared pan.Bake the cake for 50 minutes.
Prepare the syrup
Place the ingredients in a saucepan and bring them to a boil, sugar should dissolve. Avoid stirring and keep boiling for just a minute.Filter the syrup and remove the ginger
Honey frosting
Beat all the ingredients together. Place in the fridge for 1 hour.
Drizzle the syrup over the cake. Cover with the filling.You may want to cut the cake in 3 layers, drizzle syrup on each layer and fill in with the frosting.